Privacy Policy
TLWC does all that it can to protect your privacy.

TLWC has created this privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of the users of our website. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy, and how we treat the information collected from our visitors and users.


This privacy policy covers TLWC treatment of personally identifiable information collected by TLWC through a website owned and operated by TLWC.

This privacy policy does not apply to the practices of companies that TLWC does not own or control, or of persons that TLWC does not employ or manage, including any third-party content contributors bound by contract and any third-party websites to which TLWC websites link.


You can visit the website of TLWC without revealing any personal information. However, TLWC needs certain personal information if you wish to purchase our products, services, receive TLWC newsletter, or use certain TLWC services.

Where required, this information may include your personal contact information and/or your company contact information. TLWC will use this information to reply to your enquiries, to provide you with requested products and services, to set up your user account, and to contact you regarding new products and services.

By accessing the services of TLWC and voluntarily providing us with the requested personal information, you consent to the collection and use of the information in accordance with this privacy policy.


TLWC automatically receives and records non-personal information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, cookie information and the page you requested. TLWC may use this information to customise the content you see and to fulfil your requests for certain products and services. However, TLWC does not connect this non-personal data to any personal information collected from you.


TLWC may disclose your personal information to third parties who work on behalf of Neatsmith to provide products and services requested by you. We will share personal information for these purposes only with third parties whose privacy policies are consistent with ours or who agree to abide by our policies with respect to personal information.

TLWC may otherwise disclose your personal information when:

- We have your express consent to share the information for a specified purpose;

- We need to respond to legal demands, court orders or such other legal process;

- We need to protect the personal safety of the users of our websites or defend the rights or property of TLWC;

- We find that your actions on our websites violate the TLWC Terms & Conditions document or any of our usage guidelines for specific products or services.


If you do not consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information as outlined in this policy, please do not provide any personal information to TLWC. If you have provided personal information to Neatsmith and no longer consent to its use or disclosure as outlined herein, please email us.


Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be considered 100% secure. However, your TLWC information is protected for your privacy and security. We safeguard your personal information from unauthorised access, through access control procedures, network firewalls and physical security measures. Further, TLWC retains your personal information only as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes identified above or as required by law.


TLWC may at any time, without notice to you and at its sole discretion, amend this policy from time to time. Please review this policy periodically. Your continued use of Neatsmith websites after any such amendments signifies your acceptance thereof.


If you have questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, or your own personal information, please email us.

TLWC reserves the right to change or modify the Privacy Policy without prior notice.